Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WORKSHOP 2 - Architectural Drawing

I had chosen Architectural Drawing as one of the workshops for this course as I thought it would be very beneficial to extend my knowledge of drawing in this context. Throughout the 4 weeks of this workshop I was able to develop a particular style of drawing that I could contribute to a set of plans, elevations and sections to distinguish certain features and create a quality that would focus on certain aspects. Through this workshop I was also able to learn that the way in which drawings are presented to an individual affects their interpretation - layout and composition can influence the meaning that is trying to be conveyed.

Rose Seidler House:

In this project, my aim was to convey the transparency of the Rose Seidler House, which I was able to achieve through the layout; the application of pieces of white card used to mimick the window frames Seilder incorporated in his building.

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