Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WORKSHOP 3 - Fluid Thoughts to Actions

I had chosen Fluid Thoughts to Actions as the last workshop because I was very keen to practice with different mediums; I liked the idea of working with charcoal to represent 3D space as opposed to the idea of clean cut pen lines.
Through experiementation with the charcoal, I learnt that there are numerous ways to convey a particular space. For instance, hatching/darkening something to bring another part of the space forward in the drawing. This medium allowed a freedom of expression, and therefore, a space could be represented in a variety of ways.

Group Work:
Charcoal Sketches from Visual Diary:
Concertina Folio:

WORKSHOP 2 - Architectural Drawing

I had chosen Architectural Drawing as one of the workshops for this course as I thought it would be very beneficial to extend my knowledge of drawing in this context. Throughout the 4 weeks of this workshop I was able to develop a particular style of drawing that I could contribute to a set of plans, elevations and sections to distinguish certain features and create a quality that would focus on certain aspects. Through this workshop I was also able to learn that the way in which drawings are presented to an individual affects their interpretation - layout and composition can influence the meaning that is trying to be conveyed.

Rose Seidler House:

In this project, my aim was to convey the transparency of the Rose Seidler House, which I was able to achieve through the layout; the application of pieces of white card used to mimick the window frames Seilder incorporated in his building.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Workshop 1 - ATLAS OF COLOUR

I chose Atlas of Colour as one of the three workshops as I was very interested to learn more about the use of colour in an architectural context - the concepts and methodolgy that influence all decisions and choices for chosen colours in this profression.

In this workshop, we were asked to create our own Atlas of Colour, which would be a personal and subjective response to the notion of colour. Various exercises were incorporated into this book, displaying our recent knowledge of colour.

Purple was the primary colour and focus of my atlas, as it held a personal connection with me.

This particular painting incorporated the various colours that were associated with different aspects. These colours reflect a personal relationship that is formed between a colour and an aspect of life.

This map also emphasises the notion of personal relationships that exist with individuals, through the association with particular events and stages throughout life. This is in some way a personal map that links colour to various stages throughout my life.

This image is a representation of our favourite object. I has chosen a purple notebook because its was an object that relfected the colour of my choice and it was a reocurring aspect of my life - it was continuously used for different purposes. Hence, it is a representation of the notion of a reocurring colour scheme throughout the atlas.

This was a guoache painting that was created to show the use of colour in an architectural structure in a contrasting manner. For example, the use of orange for the main focus of the building which is juxtaposed against the blue sky.

49 Veils - This was an exercise based upon the experience of the stained glass windows. In this artwork, I was able to experiment with a different medium; water colour paints. This created a different effect; light in visual weight with a prominent distinction of colour.

In this exercise, we were able to experiment with different tonal keys; adjusting the tone through the addition of black or white. This task created a variation in the shades of colour, which is an important aspect considered in colour theory.